Platinum Package: Complete Library
The Platinum Package is your all-access pass to our compete video library including instruction, performances, documentaries, and much more. Learn from world-class teachers such as Sadie, Ansuya, Aziza, Zoe Jakes, Kami Liddle, Karim Nagi, and Ruby with clear and easy-to-follow instruction. With, you’ll have access to beginner through advanced level instruction for all styles of bellydance including Egyptian, Cabaret, Tribal, Gypsy, Turkish, and Fusion.
With this comprehensive package, you’ll learn technique, combinations, choreography, props, fitness, drumming, finger cymbals, and much more. You’ll also be treated to performances, interviews, and documentary footage from the most beloved names in bellydance. For the best variety and most complete instruction, the Platinum Package is our best value with new titles automatically added at no extra charge.
High quality streaming video allows you to view on any device including your computer, tablet, smartphone, or web-enabled television. For an affordable recurring monthly payment of $24.99, you can watch anytime, anywhere - at your own pace and and on your own schedule. You can cancel any time - just let us know.
Subscribe today and get unlimited VIP access to our entire video library and the hottest names in bellydance.
This package includes:
•1-2-3 Bellydance: Basics with Bahaia
•1-2-3 Drum Solo with Bahaia
•Advance in the Dance: Complete Routine with Rania
•Advanced Choreography: Drum Solo with Rania
•Advanced Choreography: Modern Egyptian with Rania
•Al Dunia: Spectacular Bellydance Performances
•Alexandria Folk Dance: Manboat with Khaled Carioca
•All About Arms with Ruby
•All New Hot Bellydance Combinations with Ansuya
•American Belly Dance Legends (Documentary)
•Arab Folk Dance with Karim Nagi
•Arabian Dance Fever: Nagwa Fouad (Performances)
•Arabian Melodies feat. Suhaila (Performances)
•Armenia in Dance (Performances)
•Aziza Raks! Passion of Bellydance (Performances)
•Aziza's Ultimate Practice Companion
•Baladi and Falahi Choreography with Ibrahim Elsuezi
•Baladi Melaya Choreography with Mohamed Salah
•Ballet Blast with Sherena
•Ballet for Bellydance with Brianna
•BD-TV Belly Dance Television Vol. 1
•BD-TV Belly Dance Television Vol. 2
•BD-TV Belly Dance Television Vol. 3
•Belly by Sandra Vol. 1: Isolations
•Belly by Sandra Vol. 2: Choreography
•Belly by Sandra Vol. 3: Classic Veil Choreography
•Belly Dance Basics with Michelle Joyce
•Belly Dance Crash Course with Michelle Joyce
•Bellydance Basics with Princess Farhana
•Bellydance con Pasión con Virginia (en español)
•Bellydance con Sabor con Virginia (en español)
•Bellydance Connection (Performances)
•Belly Flutters with Corina
•Bellydance for Healing from Illness with Nadirah
•Bellydance Underworld: Tribal-Fusion Performances
•Bellydance with Mayte: Hot Moves & Routines
•Bellydance with Veil with Sadie
•Bellydance! its Best (Performances)
•Bellydancer Body with Sadie
•Bellyqueen: Bellydance Experience (Performances)
•Bellyqueen: Bellydance NYC (Performances)
•Body Motion Level 1: Modern Bellydance Workout
•Body Motion Level 2: Modern Bellydance Workout
•Brilla en la Danza! con Amar Gamal (en español)
•By Dancers For Dancers 2 (Performances)
•By Dancers for Dancers 3 (Performances)
•By Dancers for Dancers 4 (Performances)
•By Dancers for Dancers 5 (Performances)
•By Dancers for Dancers 6 (Performances)
•Captivating Bellydance Choreography: Amar Gamal
•Classic Egyptian Choreography with Maria
•Combin-ography with Bahaia
•Combination Nation Volume 1
•Combination Nation Volume 2
•Combination Nation Volume 3
•Combinations & Technique with Yasmina of Cairo
•Combinations & Technique 2 with Yasmina of Cairo
•Complete Combos & Choreography with Virginia
•Core Fitness: Pilates Inspired Workout with Aubre
•Crafting Choreography for Bellydance Troupes
•Drills! Drills! Drills! with Michelle Joyce
•Drops, Twists, & Turns with Sandra
•Drum Raqs with Karim Nagi
•Drum Solo: Technique & Choreography with Ansuya
•Drum Solo with Leila Farid
•Dynamic Drum Solo with Sadie
•Egypt in Dance: Traditional Performances
•Egyptian Baladi with Galabeya with Amani Farouk
•Egyptian Folkloric Dances (Performances)
•Egyptian Saidi Assaya with Khaled Zaki
•Elegant Bellydance Choreography with Virginia
•Embellish Your Dance with Amanda Rose
•Enchanting Bellydance Choreography with Sandra
•Essential Technique with Virginia
•Evolution: Tribal-Fusion Performances
•Exotic Hips with Rachel George (Performances)
•Expressive Bellydance Veil with Kaeshi Chai
•Fabulous Four Yard Veils with Shoshanna
•Fantastic Fan Veils with Sedona Soulfire
•Fanveil Technique and Moves with Corina (Mini Class)
•Flawless Floorwork with Ruby
•Fluid Technique 1 with Zoe Jakes
•Fluid Technique 2 with Zoe Jakes
•From A to Zoe 1: Traveling, Combos, Flutters...
•From A to Zoe 2: Hits, Strength, Flexibility...
•From A to Zoe 3: Movement, Drills, Combos...
•From A to Zoe 4: Layering, Make-Up, Practice...
•Ghawazi Choreography by Amany Farouk
•Ghawazi Technique and Choreography by Hoda Ibrahim
•Ghawazi Technique and Choreography 2 by Hoda Ibrahim
•Golden Era Styling with Basinah
•Gypsy Passion: Skirt Fusion Chor. with Vashti
•Gypsy Spice: Spanish Fan Fusion with Ansuya
•Happy Hips: Skills and Combos for Dynamic Hipwork with Mychelle Crown
•Hip Pop NYC: Popping & Combos with Kaeshi Chai
•Hot Shabbi Workout Class 1 with Aleya of Cairo
•Hot Shabbi Workout Class 2 with Aleya of Cairo
•Hot Shabbi Workout Class 3 with Aleya of Cairo
•Hot Shabbi Workout Class 4 with Aleya of Cairo
•How to Become a Killer Ziller with Michelle Joyce
•Improv Series 1 with Aleya of Cairo
•Improv Series 2 with Aleya of Cairo
•Improvisation Class 1 with Luna of Cairo
•Improvisation Class 2 with Luna of Cairo
•Improvisation Class 3 with Luna of Cairo
•Improvisation Class 4 with Luna of Cairo
•In Motion: Moving Bellydance Performances
•Insider Secrets: Marketing with Michelle Joyce
•Intro to Bellydance with Aleya of Cairo
•Intro to Saidi with Mohamed Salah
•Istanbul Nights: Gypsy Fusion Chor. with Ansuya
•Layla's 12 Hottest Bellydance Moves + 4 Workouts
•Learn to Play Finger Cymbals with Virginia
•Lights! Camera! Bellydance! (Performances)
•Magda Monti: Oriental Pop Choreography
•Magical Art of Bellydance (Performances)
•Meaning in Movement with Alimah
•Megance Choreography with Aleya of Cairo
•Mix n Match: Fitness Fusion with Michelle Joyce
•Modern Ghawazi Choreography with Amany Farouk
•Modern Oriental with Yasmina of Cairo
•Move Your Body: Fusion Choreography with Ansuya
•Musicality Matters with Andalee
•Muwashahat Choreography with Mohamed Salah
•Mystic Moves: Technique & Combos with Ava Fleming
•Nadia Gamal "The Legend" (Performances)
•Nadia Gamal Dance Workshop
•North African Berber Choreography with Tamer Yehia Aziz
•Nubian Dance Class with Ashraf Kodak
•Oriental Choreography with Leila Farid
•Oriental Pop Choreography with Mona Ghazi
•Oriental Fusion with Magda Monti
•On Fire! Hot Bellydance Performances
•Own the Stage! Staging & Movement: Lotus Nijara
•Perfect Hips: Workout with Michelle Joyce
•Perfect Practice 1: Technique & Drills with Ruby
•Perfect Practice 2: Technique & Drills with Ruby
•Poi Spinning for Beginners with Michelle Joyce
•Pop, Lock, & Shimmy! with Michelle Joyce
•Popped, Locked, & Loaded with Kami Liddle
•Pow! Tribal Choreography with Amy Sigil/Unmata
•Powerhouse Percussion: Drum Solo with Ziva Emtiyaz
•Project Bellydance (Reality Show) Season 1
•Project Bellydance: Team Taught Technique
•Raks Al Asaya: Cane Technique with Virginia
•Raks Habibi by Vikitoriya (Performances)
•Rhythms of the Arab World Vol. 1 with Karim Nagi
•Rhythms of the Arab World Vol. 2 with Karim Nagi
•Sadie's Complete Bellydance Guide
•Sadie's Signature Combinations
•Saidi Asaya Choreography by Hosam El Mansy
•Saidi Choreography with Amany Farouk
•Saidi Class with Ahmed Refaat
•Saidi Dance Class with Ashraf Kodak
•Secrets of the Stage Vol. 1 with Michelle Joyce
•Secrets of the Stage Vol. 2 with Michelle Joyce
•Secrets of the Stage Vol. 3 with Michelle Joyce
•Sensual Art of Bellydance (Performances)
•Sensual Passion: Secrets of Tamalyn Dallal
•Shaabi Choreography and Technique with Aleya of Cairo
•Shaabi Street Dance with Nashwa Rashed
•Shake it Out! Shimmy Intensive with Sherena
•Shake it Up! Exotic Bellydance Performances
•Shimmy Carnival: Sassy Samba Fusion with Tiffani
•Shimmy Drills with Aleya of Cairo
•Shimmy, Layer, & Travel with Amanda Rose
•Showtime! Dazzling Bellydance Performances
•Sohaila's Basics to Bellydancing
•Souher Zaki: Sweet Star of Cairo (Performances)
•Soukara by Viktoriya (Performances)
•Supreme Shimmies with Amar Gamal
•Tales of Desire 2: Tribal-Fusion Performances
•Tales of Desire: Tribal-Fusion Performances
•That's Hot! Performances with Kaya & Sadie
•The Art of Sword & Shamadan with Princess Farhana
•The Exotic Art of Bellydance (Performances)
•The Icing on the Drum Solo with Lotus Niraja
•The Move Before the Move with Sa'Diyya
•The Soul of Bellydance (Performances)
•The Spirit of Bellydance (Performances)
•The Triple Threat Set with Michelle Joyce
•The World of Bellydance (Performances)
•Totally Turkish: Choreography & Drills with Ruby
•Tribal Essence: Tribal-Fusion Chor. with Aubre
•Tribal Renaissance: Tribal-Fusion Performances
•Tribal Revolution: Tribal-Fusion Performances
•Tribal Roots: Technique & Chor. with Kami Liddle
•Turn it Up! Spins & Turns with Summer Sahar
•Ultimate Bellydance with Sadie